Hi Shipra
I hope you are keeping well and many thanks for using the SAP Discussion Forums .
Regarding the scenario that you have described you mentioned the following:
- mplemented ESS/MSS portal NW 7.4 using WDA roles. In order to launch WDA services, you have activated relevant business functions and have uploaded PFCG ESS and MSS roles to portal.
- You assigned Z copy of standard SAP ESS roles for WDA "pcd:portal_content/Z_SAP_EMPLOYEE_XX_ESS_WDA_3"(PFCG role uploaded to Portal)
- This was showing me different look and feel of ESS but you were able to launch my all ESS services successfully.
- But when you changed anything launch pad - Role:ESS Instance: Menu, nothing was reflecting over ESS
- No error on Portal but the logs show errors.
Ok firstly lets take a look at the error snippet you posted and break it down together:
- Error getting document mode from iView [EXCEPTION] javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Child not found: null at [Root exception is javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Child not found: null at ] at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.gl.PcdPersContext.filteredLookup(PcdPersContext.java:714) at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.gl.PcdPersContext.deepFilteredLookup(PcdPersContext.java:618) at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.gl.PcdFilterContext.filterLookup(PcdFilterContext.java:488) at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.gl.PcdProxyContext.recursiveLookup(PcdProxyContext.java:2086)
Now this is quite a common issue in true essence. You mentioned reviewing notes previously and also blog postings and this is indeed the right approach to adopt and follow:
We see the exception references the PCD and you do not see the "browser document mode".
- Do you see an option to update the PCD Objects?
- In the versions mentioned below the iView called ‘Browser Document Mode’ was introduced. This iView adds an X-UA-Compatible HTTP header into the portal and affects both the IE Browser Mode and the Document Mode.
- SAP NetWeaver 7.00 SP28+
- SAP NetWeaver 7.01 SP13+
- SAP NetWeaver 7.02 SP12+
- SAP NetWeaver 7.11 SP11+
- SAP NetWeaver 7.20 SP08+
- SAP NetWeaver 7.30 SP08+
- SAP NetWeaver 7.31 SP05+
The iView is located under Content Administration -> Portal Content -> Portal Content -> Content Provided by SAP ->Admin Interfaces -> Admin iView Templates -> Browser Document Mode. Here you can change the default value of the iView.
Regarding the notes you provided they are all a great source of reference here. There is a blog posting below outlined that you should review firstly and cross-reference very carefully (if you have not already) this will ensure that the core prameters for your browser are setup and maintained correctly.
SAP Note: 2016845 - Using EP with IE - Quirks or Standards as Browser Document Mode.
Kindly update me as per your findings.
Kind Regard & Talk Soon
Troy Cronin - Enterprise Portal Support Engineer
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